Saturday 18 February 2012

C++ program to illustrates the basic operation of add stack, delete stack and shows stack using linked list. The stack contains data of type integer.

// This program illustrates the basic operation of add stack, delete stack 
// and shows stack using linked list. The stack contains data of type integer.

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
// Declares a stack structure
struct node
int data;
node *link;
// Function prototype declaration for add stack, delete stack and show stack
node *push(node *top, int val); // Add stack
node *pop(node *top, int &val); // Delete stack
void show_Stack(node *top); // Show stack
// Main programming logic
void main()
node *top;
int val;
int choice;
char opt = 'Y'; // To continue the do loop in case
top = NULL; // Initialization of Stack
cout << "\n\t\t Main Menu";
cout << "\n\t1. Addition of Stack";
cout << "\n\t2. Deletion from Stack";
cout << "\n\t3. Traverse of Stack";
cout << "\n\t4. Exit from Menu";
cout << "\n\nEnter Your choice from above ";
cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case 1:
cout << "Enter the value to be added in the stack ";
cin >> val;
top = push(top, val);
cout << "\nDo you want to add more element <Y/N>? ";
cin >> opt;
} while (toupper(opt) == 'Y');
case 2:
opt = 'Y'; // Initialize for the second loop
top = pop(top,val);
if (val != -1)
cout << "Value deleted from Stack is " << val;
cout << "\nDo you want to delete more element <Y/N>? ";
cin >> opt;
} while (toupper(opt) == 'Y');
case 3:
case 4:
while (choice != 4);
// Function body for add stack elements
node *push(node *top, int val)
node *temp;
temp = new node;
temp->data = val;
temp->link = NULL;
if(top ==NULL)
top = temp;
temp->link = top;
top = temp;
// Function body for delete stack elements
node *pop(node *top,int &val)
node *temp;
if (top == NULL )
cout<<"Stack Empty ";
val = -1;
temp = top;
top = top->link;
val = temp->data;
temp->link = NULL;
delete temp;
return (top);
// Function body for show stack elements
void show_Stack(node *top)
node *temp;
temp = top;
cout<<"The values are \n";
while (temp != NULL)
cout <<"\n"<< temp->data;
temp = temp->link;

Step by step explanation of programme:

1. "#include <iostream.h>", "#include <stdio.h>", "#include <conio.h>", "#include <stdlib.h>", "#include <ctype.h>" are the header files.
2. declare the stack structure by 'struct node' in which integer and pointer variable is defined.
3. Declare the function of add stack(push), delete stack(pop) , show stack.
4. Define the main function(void main) in which switch condition is defined and use 'do' loop for doing 'push, pop' operation by calling the functon of 'push, pop'.
5. Use the function of 'pop,show' for delete the stack element and show the stack element.

1 comment:

  1. I want to understand pointers in an easy language.
